- Material should be heated to 180 – 200 Deg C in a pre-heater with constant and adequate homogenization.
- Ensures uniform dispersion of the thermoplastic ingredients.
- Oil jacketed mixers are recommended for control heating which otherwise may lead to product discoloration and binder disintegration.
- Transfer the same to the application machine and continue homogenization and check for temperature of 180–200 °C.
- Lower temperatures would result in poor bonding with tar surface.
- Check for color, change in color implies that material has been scorched and should not be applied.
- Change in color indicates a breakdown of the raw material.
- Drop on glass beads should be immediately dropped onto surface to ensure adherence upto a depth of 50 – 60 %.
- Too low penetrations - reduction in life of initial retro-reflectivity.
- Too high penetrations – loss of initial retro-reflectivity.
- Ensure proper thickness (2-3mm) to ensure that the material holds adequate heat Vital for long life, proper glass bead adhesion and good thermal bonding.
- Constant monitoring of temperature and frequent agitation vital during laying of material.
- Material should not be heated above 220 Deg C nor held for over 6 hours at 180 Deg C and above.
- Ensure clean and dry pavement before application.
- Ensure pavement and air temperature above 10 Deg.C.
- Apply recommended primer for concrete and aged asphalt roads
- Ensure residual removal of primer prior to thermoplastic application
- Verify material temperature and calibrate kettle thermometer
- Apply material at proper bonding temperature as per recommendation
- Monitor drop on glass bead application and embedment
- Maintain daily application and inspection records
- Do not over heat the material than specified temperature range
- Do not heat the material continuously for more than 4 hours as overheating may lead to darkening and scorching of the material
- Do not mix alkyd and hydrocarbon thermoplastic in kettle
- Avoid burner flame contact directly to the material vessel surface
- Do not apply thermoplastic when the substrate is wet